10 Benefits of Summer Camp for Children

10 Benefits of Summer Camp for Kids

Many countries around the world have adopted the practice of summer camps. This is a specially created community where children are given the chance to be around new people and learn new things in an environment that they are not exposed to on a daily basis and is a wonderful way to keep children occupied in a way that helps them continue learning during the summer holidays.

Why Should You Send Your Child to a Summer Camp?

Summer camps are the place where many have the most memorable experiences of their lives. They are able to take the kids out of their daily atmosphere and immerse them in something new and exciting, teaching them many new skills and enabling them to make new friends.

At What Age Children are Usually Ready for Summer Camp?

There is no set age on when it is appropriate to start, but rather depends on your child and what type of camp you are sending your child to. Overnight camps may require your child to be older, at least ten years of age, but day camps can be attended by any school going child.

Advantages of Summer Camp for Children

Here are some reasons why summer camp is beneficial:

1. A Place for Fun

Summer camps are a place where children can let loose and have some fun in a controlled environment. Most camp activities centre on showing kids a good time while also learning something.

Also Read: Summer Activities for Kids

2. Break from Technology

Since camps often have rules where children are not allowed to use their phones, it is a great way to get the children who are too sedentary to have a more active lifestyle.

3. New Interests

Your children may end up discovering interests in things that can surprise you. Things children are not often exposed to such as workshops in pottery, gardening, cooking, arts and more may become an area of interest for many children.

4. Learn Independence

Children who are sent for summer camp are required to be able to make their own decisions without the help of their parents. The overnight camps in particular build a lot of independence and self-sufficiency in children as they will even be responsible for waking up and getting ready and to breakfast on time.

5. Self Confidence

Being allowed to make their own decisions often builds confidence in children. They are also able to become more confident when meeting new people.

6. Make New Friends

Summer camps are often filled with children from all sorts of backgrounds. This is very good for your child as he or she will get the opportunity to learn about different kinds of people and make friends with those they may never have come across in their daily life.

7. Improves Growth

The environments at summer camps aim to take children out of their comfort zones, but in a way that makes them feel safe. When they are put out of their comfort zone, they tend to grow by learning how to compromise, adjust and adapt to different situations.

8. Make Memories

There is no doubt that your child will be able to make the memories of a lifetime at summer camp, with new friends, new skills and a new self-esteem that breeds confidence in your child, the memories of the fun and laughter from summer camp will stay with them for the rest of their lives.

9. Improve their Skills

Some summer camps are specifically for certain interests, like computer camps, outdoor nature oriented camps and art camps. Depending on your child’s interests, the summer camp chosen can help them get to another level with their passions and skills.

10. Frees Your Time

Even parents can benefit from summer camps as they will be able to go about their daily routine without having to worry about how to keep the kids entertained. If you are someone who works, this is a very good option for you.


Here are some frequently asked questions about summer camps:

1. What Types of Summer Camps are Available?

Summer camps come in different types, the two main streams being day camp and night camp. At day camp, children attend camp during the morning and then return home for the rest of the day. Overnight camps are camps that require the children to stay overnight for a certain period of time. It could be a few days, a week to a month.

The other way camps are differentiated is by what they offer. There are camps that offer more specialized activities like sports camps, cheer camps, art camp and others.

2. What If My Child Gets Homesick during the Camp?

There are some things you can do in advance to help your child be able to make a smooth transition to an overnight camp. Have your child stay overnight with some relatives or friends that they are comfortable with and also spend some time talking to them about all the fun things they can do at camp. Don’t promise that you will bring them home if they are homesick as they will not even attempt to adjust if you do.

Summer camps are a lot of fun and your child will certainly be able to get a lot out of it. Your child will have fun and come back with new stories and skills you can be proud of.

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