Venezuela president Hugo Chavez dead after battle with cancer

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      Local Latin Americans have differing views over the legacy of Venezuela's Hugo Chavez.

      The elected left-wing president died today at the age of 58 after a long battle with cancer.

      In a phone interview with the Georgia Straight, Alfonso Osorio, host of the Latin American Report on Co-op Radio, praised Chavez for addressing poverty and developing progressive health-care and housing policies.

      "He reminds me of Jack Layton," Osorio said. "Here we have a case of two leaders who won election while having cancer. Modern medicine can cure people to run in an election and win an election, but there is no assurance that after the election, they will stay alive."

      Chavez was reelected to a  fourth term as president on October 7, 2012, and had run the country since 1999.

      Osorio, who was born and raised in Chile, added that Chavez was at the vanguard of a generation of progressive South American leaders—including Bolivia's Evo Morales, Brazil's former president Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, former Chilean president Michelle Bachelet, and Argentina president Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner—who changed the continent's political dynamics.

      "He challenged the power of the USA in Latin America," Osorio declared. 

      He added that his wife was in tears upon hearing the news of Chavez's death.

      "The writing was on the wall," he said. "It appears to be the case that his cancer had spread over his lungs because he was having respiratory problems."

      The owner of Yarina's Coffee Cafe in Burnaby, Yarina Ramos, has a far less less positive view of the deceased Venezuelan president.

      Ramos told the Straight by phone that she immigrated to Canada from Venezuela to get away from Chavez's government.

      "I can't be happy for anybody who died," she noted.

      But she added that many Canadians have no idea of what life was like under his rule, claiming that he jailed many people, including a woman who lived in her building.

      Ramos said that she was among those who collected signatures in 2003 and 2004 in an effort to have Chavez recalled.

      She alleged that Chavez used to allow people to cross the border from Colombia to vote for him. She also claimed that his housing reforms meant that landlords, including herself and her father, had to turn over buildings to their tenants.

      "If you tried to get tenants out, you can be sent to jail," Ramos said, citing a March 2011 law. "I can't recover my place."

      She also said that a friend of hers with a Canadian engineering degree cannot get work in Venezuela because she's been identified as an opponent of Chavez.

      In addition, Ramos said that if people want to travel out of Venezuela, they have to wait 30 days for the government's approval.

      "I am surprised when people are defending him," Ramos said. "He did many injustices to my country."

      Osorio pointed out that Chavez was democratically elected and enjoyed huge popular support. This set him apart from Cuba's Fidel Castro, who  was an inspiration to Chavez but who came to power in a revolution.

      Chavez spent a significant amount of time in Cuba receiving treatment.

      Venezuelan vice president Maduro Nicolas made an official announcement on televison, saying that funeral and burial plans will be announced in the coming hours.



      Juan Carlos

      Mar 5, 2013 at 4:28pm

      Wow. I challenge you to find one single local Venezuelan who has anything good to say about Chavez. A leftist, Chilean-born local reporter doesn't count. Someone who managed to escape the horror of living under this monster -- they count. Talk to some of them.

      "Differing views" -- come on. I'm sure you can always find one person with an illogical, ill-based, irrational and ridiculous opinion about anything. That doesn't mean there are differing views, especially when 99.99999% of people would agree that the world, and especially Venezuela, are much better off today than yesterday thanks to the death of this tyrant.

      Indeed, let's wish him well -- a speedy, uneventful journey to his richly deserved throne in eternal Hell.


      Mar 5, 2013 at 4:53pm

      Wow. The bourgeois always hate revolutionaries because their first loyalty is to their money, not their country or fellow citizens


      Mar 5, 2013 at 9:46pm

      Well if Layton is comparable to Chavez then thank god Layton is dead too.

      comrade zsolt sass

      Mar 6, 2013 at 2:05am

      The hearts and souls of all the people are bleeding in venezuela and in all of latin amerika ,commandante president HUGO CHAVEZ past on into the spiritual world but is REVOLUTIONARY SPIRIT remains with his people in venezuela and latin amerika and guides them to continue the REVOLUTION of the people.Commandante HUGO CHAVEZ live all the way was a HISTORIC MOMENT his REVOLUTIONARY SPIRIT concered and embraced all the hearts ,souls of all the brave people of venezuela and of all latin amerika. People of venezuela listen and feel the elements of earth ,wind and fire and sense that beloved UNCLE HUGO lives on in the spiritual world and that his iron will and his REVOLUTIONARY SPIRIT which conceres and embraces the entire universe will be with them forewer in their hearts and souls.The REVOLUTIONARY SPIRIT WILL be never ever be defeated by the dark evil forces of the devil because COMMANDANTE CHAVEZ invincible SPIRIT will not permitt the devil to win.COMMANDANTE CHAVEZ past on and LEADS venezuela with his REVOLUTIONARY SPIRIT into total VICTORY against evil spirits and their payed followers. LIBERTA COMMANDANTE CHAVEZ is now stronger than ever before and BELOVED like ever before ---we love you UNCLE HUGO=== and follow you until death .An investigation shall will prove that commandante HUGO CHAVEZ was poisoned by a caner virus manifactured by the CIA on behalf orders of obama because obama the USA want to steal VENEZUELAN OIL and VENEZUELAN LAND and beloved COMMANDANTE CHAVEZ was in their evil ,wicked way ,but the DEVIL USA will not win because UNCLE HUGOS REVOLUTIONRY SPIRIT will never ever permitt them to do so.All of venezuela will UNITE under COMMANDANTE HUGO CHAVEZ REVOLUTIONARY SPIRIT and will continue yhe BOLIVARIEN REVOLUTION of the PEOPLE ===POWER TO THE PEOPLE===LIBERTA==== LONG LIVE THE REVOLUTION. COMMANDANTE HUGO CHAVEZ lives on in all of the free hearts and souls araund the entire GLOBE. LIBERTA ,comrade, freedomfighter ,Zsolt Sass

      Was never a revolution

      Mar 6, 2013 at 4:13am

      He was never a part of a revolution, he was a part of the old dictatorial framework left over from the Stalinist era, that carried into the middle east, and now Latin America