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WASHINGTON (AP) - Osama bin Laden, the glowering mastermind behind the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks that murdered thousands of Americans, was killed in an operation led by the United States, President Barack Obama said Sunday.

A small team of Americans killed bin Laden in a firefight Sunday at a compound in Pakistan, the president said in a dramatic late-night statement at the White House.

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(93) comments


Brutis, welcome to the net, I think I heard that for first time about ten years ago.

Free Bird

Here is one to shut the two government paid goons, bluto and orion up!


Brutis ...

Now that's funny ... I don't care who you are ... that's funny~

US Patriot

That's the pot calling the kettle black again.
Only a whining lib would wish the people are not entitled to a government that stays within the confines of the constitution.


I was so depressed last night thinking about the economy, wars, jobs, my savings, Social Security, retirement funds, and our bleak future, that I called the Suicide Lifeline and was connected to a call center in Pakistan . When I told them I was suicidal, they got all excited, and asked if I could drive a truck.



Bad Man

Especially that whiny puppy US. Grow up you whiney lib. Only a lib would whine so much.

Even if the photos were released, there would be claims of photo-shopping.

Although I think I would have liked to have had the photos released, I understand the reasons for not doing so.
Can't please everyone.


What if before killed Bin Laden didn't look much like we American's expect? Maybe that's the conspiracy. Releasing the photos might spawn all sorts of conspiratorial speculation because he doesn't look the way we remember ...



Where are you getting your info? I have not heard concern from Obama about 'offending' Muslims or anyone. Claims from the White House are that there is a calculated effort associated with the photos and what good they'd serve.

I only want to see them so I can look at it and say 'Yes! Take that you fk!'

I don't know that this would serve the greater good. It seems to me the photos are being used as more of a dig against our enemies by NOT releasing them.

Free Bird

US Patriot

Obama refuses to release the dead photos of Osama bin Laden in order to avoid "offending" the Muslim world, but openly supports the idea of photos being taken of our dead troops, killed by our enemies under bin Laden. What a POS! Why not worry about what may offend THIS nation? Unemployment rates just went up again to 9.0%. Fuel is now at $4.00 while This president continues to refuse drilling in the gulf coast, but pays over 2 billion to Brazil to install a offshore crude oil storage platform.
This President needs to stop taking victory laps at ground zero and military bases across America, get out of campaign mode and lead this nation out of this recession the Federal Reserve and the Federal Government has put us into!
We do have one positive thing to keep us warm at night............only two Presidents in American history have been re-elected with unemployment over 7.2%!


Free Bird, that guy is the "Mother" of all conspiracy theorists! What a crock! I suppose you think the Special Ops team (not to mention the 4,000 seamen on the aircraft carrier) didn't see the actual Bin Laden. There are a few too many witnesses to this event. It seems like even radical Islam (which was initially in denial) is now in agreement that their terrorism guru is now dead.

Free Bird


People are starting to rely more on the government. They should be happy knowing 1 in 7 americans are on foodstamps now. Something to brag about.

US Patriot

I'll be dammed if I'm going to support and vote for a president who I highly disagreed with before they became president and still disagree with . Their policies have become all about self serving politics, taking a crisis and turning it into a photo opportunity, and politicizing a terror attack for political gain. How special!
Example:Clinton balances the budget after the GOP takes both houses and steals billions from the Social Security Fund.
Example: Bin Laden could have been taken out during the Clinton years, but Clinton was in the dog house with one sex scandal after another and takes his eye off the ball to have another. So the Cole gets bombed, we lose numerous Americans and service personnel in the US embassy attacks in S. Africa and he hands the reins to Bush. Thus.........911.
Example: After the 911 attacks, Bush sees a recession coming and tells Americans: “don't let the terrorists change your habits! Go shop! Spend your money!” And we did at an alarming rate! Low Interest rates we haven't seen since the 60's encouraged us to purchase homes and toys we really couldn't afford. Among those destructive Bush policies we got the Democrats policies of 2006 that created the recession of '09, '10, '11, and '12 and beyond.
Example: Bush takes his eye off the ball and sends troops into Iraq, thus resulting in a cooling off in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Bin Laden never gets caught or killed.
Example: Barack Obama and Liberals find Abu Ghraib (2004) a chance to embarrass GWB and take the White House back, So they politicize it, publish the torture photos on the internet and TV and outrage the Arab world with zero concerns of what they might think or feel. Yesterday President Barack Obama feels it necessary to politicize the situation again and not publish the photos of Bin Laden for fear of insulting the Arab world.(Really?)
Example: Back in 2005 GWB was criticized for using 911 for for political gain by Barack Obama and the Left, but today he shuts down miles and miles of New York business (in a severe recession) to take a victory lap at Ground Zero and pat himself on the back for killing Bin Laden.
Example: Today we find out that unemployment is up for the third week in a row, but Joe Biden tells us today the recession has turned around and everything is great! (HUH?)

Little Al

Is Oboma a flip flopper ? No more than any other politician .
Thats whats cute about running on "Hope and Change " .
What does that mean ? Anything ..
I'll hand it to him that now he's the Pres. he hopefully knows what he's talking about .
But now he's back in campaign mode ..


Well, at least I don't live in California.


Bluto, believe it or nor, there are folks who have suggested a link between global warming and occurence of earthquakes. Google "earthquake global warming link" for a sampling.


Here’s Nancy Pelosi from a press conference on September 7, 2006:

"[E]ven if [Osama bin Laden] is caught tomorrow, it is five years too late. He has done more damage the longer he has been out there. But, in fact, the damage that he has done . . . is done. And even to capture him now I don’t think makes us any safer."

And here’s Nancy Pelosi yesterday:

"The death of Osama bin Laden marks the most significant development in our fight against al-Qaida. . . . I salute President Obama, his national security team, Director Panetta, our men and women in the intelligence community and military, and other nations who supported this effort for their leadership in achieving this major accomplishment. . . . [T]he death of Osama bin Laden is historic. . . ."


Yeah, Obama inherited Irag, Afghanistan, Bin Laden, etc from bush. Inherit is something you get form you predecessor more or less.

And no I'm not tryng to hijack this topic, why do you ask?



There is nothing wrong with the use of the word 'inherit' when we talk about our elected politicians. Situations and crisis are certainly passed down from term to term.


Ok, who's tring to hijack this topic and turn it into a treehugger debate.[smile]

And you both need to look up the meaning of "inherit".



How do you feel about gunning down a man "Wanted Dead or Alive"? That's a warrant that doesn't stipulate he should be packing heat before killed. I am not aware of executions whereby the executed is armed before the hammer falls.


And DD,

I don't know anyone who as asserted Human Caused Earthquakes/Tsunamis.



Blame our media for not going the Pony Express route. Info flies fast and it's a duel of scoops. It really doesn't matter does it? Regardless of the details, you and me and Rush and Maddow are going to think what we think ... right?



The problem with Katrina was certainly a policy issue. It had to do with neglecting levees.

I am sure you know what I think about Chicken Little. Of course Obama's environmental policies can be added to a long list of things contributing to our economic situation ... far far down on the list from what Bin Laden has cost us either by tally or opportunity cost.


Bluto, according to Hillary Clinton in 2008, Bush didn't inherit Hurricane Katrina -- it was his energy policies that caused it:

"Mrs. Clinton alleges:

"In the last five years, the Bush administration has left no major environmental law untouched in their push to deregulate, undermining or rolling back decades of regulations put in place to protect our heath."

"The results are all around us," she says, citing more greenhouse gases, global warming, rising seas, and more violent storms like Katrina."

Soohh.... if this is the case, couldn't the same be said about Obama's environmental policies being to blame for our recent rash of floods, tornadoes, and wildfires?

Free Spirit

Who's in charge at the WH?


Nah Badman, not an OBL supporter, but I'll admit while it couldn't have happened to a nicer guy, I do have mixed feeling about gunning an unarmed man down. It's not about who he was, it's about who we are.

Still I was mostly biatching about the way the official version of how thing went down keeps changing.

"He died in a firefight".

"He was unarmed".

"He was unarmed, but resisting" (Seriously, this is one unarmed man against a squad of elite Navy Seals, decked out in full battle gear. I'll bet they got a laugh out of that).

'He was shot before he could even say a word"

And the latest, since my last post;

"He was lunging for gun"

Can't you people get your story straight?

And no dude, he's better off dead, capturing him alive would have opened up another can of worms that needs to remain sealed.



I don't think you're wrong, I think you might be missing a lot of the puzzle by demonizing our figure heads. Bush inherited 9/11 and Katrina, Obama inherited our presence in the Middle East and the Gulf disaster. Now the tornado belt is upside down. We've also paid a grundle to help victims of Earthquakes and Tsunami's worldwide.

At some point, we ought to look at the money that has gone into this type of probably necessary spending that was not spent on forgone potential investments had the world been ticking along just swell over the last decade.

US Patriot

This just in:
Obama continues to fail miserably..........and it's still Bushes fault!

US Patriot

if a president does something grand................pat him on the back! The death of bin Laden is good. Now release the pics and put it to bed.
But maybe we shouldn't be so quick praise the last two Presidents (Bush, Obama) for the 8 trillion in debt, three wars, world hunger and riots over ethanol production, and a rather ugly view of the United States by the rest of the world. Where am I wrong?

Bad Man

Oh and I think that some of the men and women in the towers were not armed either. Well except maybe the secruity guards. So does that make it a good kill for OBL??

Bad Man

Mike M a bin Laden supporter I guess. Yes we did all of the killing. Good point.

Sounds like you need to watch footage of the innocent people jumping from the burning towers again. Is it just because a president was in office that you don't like did this? I have a feeling everyone who died or had a family memeber die could care less if he was in a bathtub full of bubbles.

Just think if Bush wouldn't have given up in 2002. He would have had a chance to get this done, no one would question it.If you think justice was not done, go to NY and scream how bin Laden was wronged from the rooftops.

But you might be one to say keeping him alive would have been better. Please enlighten how this is better?


"So are you saying the Navy seals were doing all of the shooting that was reported???"

Who the heil knows, Washington is changing their story every time the wind shifts.

I haven't heard any reports of any armed guards being killed, just Bin Laden, a woman that got in the way, and a couple of others.

Were the others armed?

One things for sure, we did all the killing.


Orion, you might want to try listening to Leon Panetta, head of the CIA:

DD: "Well, to my knowledge, our current President hasn't changed anything regarding rendition and waterboarding."

President Barack Obama banned the use of waterboarding and several other interrogation methods in January 2009. He reported that U.S. personnel must stick to the Army Field Manual guidelines.

An arm of the FBI now uses what is considered more reliable techniques.

FYI, I don't listen to MSNBC. Good try, though.

Bad Man,-March-2002:-I-really-just-dont-spend-that-much-time-on-bin-Laden

Bad Man

Bin Laden was unarmed when he died! That it was NOT self defense.-US Never satisfied Patriot

So are you saying the Navy seals were doing all of the shooting that was reported???

Such sour grapes all around by some. March 13 2002 G.W told the world he didn't care about finding OBL and didn't care where he was. But some think he should be mentioned (which he was) more espescillay by that dunce Palin. Does she even know how to google before she sticks her foot in her mouth???


AND! For those worried about due process and such. Not only did Bin Laden confess and go into hiding ... he PROUDLY took credit for multiple terrorist attacks and threatened more ...

Due process was had and justice served.


not 'TO PLAY' the role of world police ... 'TO STOP PLAYING' ...


Was Bin Laden armed? You're dammed right! Every plane on Earth can be considered part of his arsenal. Do I feel guilty for celebrating the death of another human being. HELLL NO! Do I think this is the end of it? Not even close but it is time to stop nation-building and to play the role of world-police while our allies cut military spending under our comfortable umbrella of protection. It's time to hire ourselves out or stay out.


America the Beautiful is becoming America the Self Loathing.


So Patriot,
All politicians are pigeon-holed into playing the roles the public finds set in stone. If a politician becomes educated on matters to which the public is not privy and acts upon them seemingly out of assumed character, he's a flip-floppin' waffler?

I think it's a dangerous division. If you don't have harsh words to share about the commander-in-chief, you are a liberal Obama supporter these days. The same was true for those who opposed Bush. He could do no right, and the left could do no wrong.

"What if" water boarding played a role ... then off with Obama's head. If it didn't, let's find another reason to hate our own President.

US Patriot

Some in the media are now saying 3 International Treaties and 2 US Articles have been violated in the killing of Osama Bin Laden. They say it was illegal because bin Laden was given no due process, and Pakistan did not authorize U.S. troops to operate in their territory. Complicating this already complex issue is news from the White House that Bin Laden was unarmed when he died! That it was NOT self defense.
In December 1998, Bin Laden was located in Kandahar but Bill Clinton refused to authorize military action. Several other instances show where the U.S. had Bin Laden in their sights and Clinton deliberately ordered special forces soldiers to stand down or refused to launch air strikes.
Clive Williams, a counter terrorism expert writes in today’s Fairfax media that to give Bin Laden a trial would have been to "give him a platform for propaganda", and that this ‘fact’ justifies his killing. So Obama kills Osama!
Now lets rewind back 3 years. We've all heard Obama rant on and on about how he wants to close Gitmo and bring Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and all his sissyassed little bum buddies to New York to stand trial. Many have rejected that idea because of worries of giving them a platform for propaganda! And some in the media thought John Kerry was a flip-flopper? The Jr. Senator from Illinois is a pancake and John Kerry is the spatula!

Little Al

I skiped over it skippy.

Its great Obama voted " OK lets getter done" instead of his " Present " ...
What a change 2 years can make on a guy ...

High five to DevGru for getting it done ...


Actually, Bad Man and Joe, my last post wasn't completely off topic. Earlier, orion had stated that the information about waterboarding of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed (which lead to the identification and location of Bin Laden's courier -- which was the key to finding Bin Laden himself), was as a result of a story from O'Reilly (FOX News).

Orion said "Bushie fans just want to justify torture and gloat in their horror...."

Well, to my knowledge, our current President hasn't changed anything regarding rendition and waterboarding.

Rather than getting the FACTS from that bastion of conservatism and misinformation (FOX News), perhaps orion would feel much better hearing it from a reliable liberal source like MSNBC:

Joe Moe

Re: DenverDoug

Off-topic? Totally
Witty and thought-provoking? Definitely.
Two thumbs up.

Bad Man

Doug glad your here, but it is alittle [offtopic] for this thread.

Just watched a briefing by the White House. Why is some of the media trying to make Bin Laden a unarmed victim in this mission????? He was unarmed, so F**&^% what? Most of the thugs that were shooting at the Navy seals were armed and were told to protect his evil A$*. Can't believe this is becoming a witch hunt.


A liberal friend of mine during the past election warned me that if I voted for McCain, the economy would worsen, we'd continue with forces in Afghanistan and Iraq, the national debt would soar, we'd be further in debt with China, we'd have even more problems in border enforcement and crime coming across our southern border, we'd continue losing manufacturing jobs to Asian countries, we'd keep prisoners in Guantanamo, and rendition and waterboarding would continue.

Sure enough, I voted for McCain and that's exactly what's happened.


Please bear with me. Or, skip over.

I’ve been taking this Tai Chi meditation class. Tai Chi has origins in the martial arts of China but has morphed into a sort of physical therapy / meditation. It became popular here in the states with the popularity of David Carradine and Kung Fu. Back then, baby boomers wanted to be David Carradine so as to get real spiritual and centered so as to better kick butt and impress chicks. Today, baby boomers want to get real spiritual and centered so as to better cope with aches and pains. Hence, it’s gone from everybody Kung Fu fighting over to everybody Tai Chi dancing. Everybody was Tai Chi dancing. Those cats had veins like lightning. Except for rednecks, of course. For rednecks, it’s simple. Beer. And actually, beer works. There was one Tai Chi master, I forget his name, who when asked the most direct route to the practice of the principles of Tai Chi, said “get drunk”. The key is relaxation.

I told my Tai Chi teacher, “You can provide me something that works better than beer, you can name your price.”

Because the number one principle of Tai Chi is relaxation. When I first heard my Tai Chi instructor go over that principle, and it sort of went in one ear and out the other. Yeah, relaxation. Sure. Fine. Later on, it became clear that the principle, while utterly simple, is a bit more profound. It goes to every aspect of living, career, relationships, marriage, kids, community involvement, politics, everything. There’s nothing mystical about Tai Chi. It’s simply a practical approach to living, though a spiritual dimension can readily go along with it.

It’s easy to be tense and attentive. It’s easy to relaxed and inattentive. In Tai Chi, relaxation that is inattentive isn’t relaxation but is referred to as “collapsed”. Collapsed is not an optimal state of being. People often confuse meditation and relaxation with being collapsed, not there, zoned out, withdrawn from life. No. The optimal place is to be relaxed and attentive. In a way, you are somewhat out of the picture in that you’re not so needy for the endless list of things you need to have happen, and yet everything is still in tact, your ego, your body, your world, and you are more aware of it, more involved in it, not less. I’m tempted to say it’s hard to achieve, but it’s not. It can’t be hard to achieve. It can only be effortless to achieve. The hard part is cultivating the conditions by which it becomes effortless, for which there’s nothing for it but just a whole lot of hard work and practice. Kind of like music. Exactly like music actually.

Tai Chi comes down to this. Stop being your own worst enemy, and there’s 90% of the battle right there. Easy to say, and as I mentioned, it can only be easy to do. If it’s hard to do, you’re not doing it. You want to get a momentary less than perfect glimpse of that state, get drunk.

You know how when you’re into something, it suddenly becomes a lens through which you see everything. So naturally, I’m seeing the death of Bin Laden through this lens of Tai Chi. I see the rejoicing over his death not as a sin to be ashamed of but rather as sub-optimal in a practical sense. It’s not relaxed. Well, maybe it is for you. If so, fine. I’m not here to get on your case about it.

The general point I’m trying to make is to be collapsed about a threat is not optimal. To be overly tense about a threat is not optimal. Ideally, a nation would be attentive and relaxed about a threat. When it comes to the threat of terrorism, stop being your own worst enemy, and there’s 90% of the battle right there. Easy to say, and easy to do. Just like the teachings of Christ.

It’s occurs to me that China itself has not always been a model of enlightened behavior, so how valid can Tai Chi be? On the other hand, it’s exactly when people have made huge messes of things that some simple effective philosophies can occasionally emerge. Might be that Tai Chi was a factor in that China didn’t go that last millimeter to taking the great leap forward into oblivion.

I’m fond of saying that we’re in the midst of a Buddhist takeover of our government, one of many in fact. It’s just that you won’t notice it except by the disastrous mistakes not made. It happens continuously and you just don’t notice it. It’s more noticeable when it doesn’t happen.

Joe Moe

Another interesting tidbit from the AP article:

Said Brennan: "The president had to evaluate the strength of that information, and then made what I believe was one of the most gutsiest calls of any president in recent memory."

Based on details of the article, I think I can see Brennan's point. Lacking "beyond-a-reasonable-doubt" evidence, but with strong circumstantial evidence, Obama authorized troops to attack a private residence in a sovereign country, without prior approval. That does indeed take chutzpah.

Joe Moe

Ah, a new piece of info. AP released an article overnight discussing what I've been talking about, and they say that while the intel was obtained from Khaleid, it was months after waterboarding, "leaving it once again up for debate as to whether the harsh technique was a valuable tool or an unnecessarily violent tactic." Actually, to my mind, that would qualify as another argument AGAINST waterboarding, because they got additional critical intel later that they did NOT get with waterboarding. Unless a more aggressive method was used later....which we don't know. The AP article just says it was obtained at a "CIA black site" location in Eastern Europe. Regardless, it was obtained years ago, which is noteworthy I believe.

Bottom line, kudos for years of work by intel officials! Intel, like detective work, requires hard work and tons of patience...unlike what we see on TV, where even the most complex things get resolved within the hour.

Joe Moe

Orion asks a fair question about how intel from seven years ago led to this. But it wasn't Fox news or O'Reiley that outlined that (I don't get cable or satellite), it was one of the network news shows that talked through that timeline, so though I haven't researched a variety of sources in depth, I would assume that is easy to verify.

The alias of a courier was identified from a captive, the alias was listened for over a period of years, the alias was finally connected to a person, the person was observed over a period of years, and the identity and location of his host eventually nailed down in recent which time Obama authorized the take-out strike. That is not hard to understand, and I think it answers Orion's main question.

The only remaining question I can see, and this I can't verify but would interested to hear from those who can (one way or the other), is that the original intel on the alias was obtained in Gitmo from Khalid Sheik Mohammed, through waterboarding. My only source for that is Bob Lonsberry. He definitely leans right, but he usually has his facts straight (and this is a simple factoid, true or false, not some nuanced philosophical debate to be argued), so unless someone has some other information I give him the benefit of the doubt. And that, folks, is all I know on the matter.

Bad Man

Thank God for President Obama- Rush Limbaugh.

Enough said.


Tough, crybaby.

Paul Blart

Onion: Is there anything you are not an expert about? Every subject that is written about, you seem to chime in with your "all knowing" opinion. You really need a life! There is so much more to this world, than just trolling the HJ opinion page and then issuing your edict.

Madame Stiletto

Foolish is as foolish does. How could anyone by any stretch believe that a prisoner that was caught 5 to 7 years ago and has been in detention have hard evidence to direct the military to this location!

Incredible that Republicans are falling over themselves ignoring Obama and instead offering obscene praise for George Bush and his "role" in taking out bin Laden. Bush's "role" was actually to delay this accomplishment for years because of his incompetence and obsession with the costly disaster in Iraq. Bin Laden was ignored.

It is the stupidity to which the Republicans have reduced themselves.

Who killed more people, George W. Bush or Bin Laden?


You got that from Fox News....probably began with O'Reilly.
Like that kind of information would get out.

Bushie fans just want to be able to justify torture and gloat that their horror---errr-- hero is responsible for the elimination of bin Laden.

I call BS.

Joe Moe

I just learned an interesting tidbit....

The specific intel that led to this was obtained, guess how, by waterboarding a known terrorist in Guantanamo.

Some of Obama's strongest rhetoric when campaigning for president was that we needed to not waterboard terrorists and we needed to close Guantanomo (of course, by then waterboarding had already stopped, and he still hasn't closed Gitmo, but those are tangents).

Obama seemed happy in his speech to take all the glory he can out of this, but I wager we will not see him acknowledging that Bush policies in Gitmo are the direct cause of it.


Two things have happened in the past two days that I didn't know whether or not I'd ever live to see: 1st: Bin Laden was finally killed by American Special Op forces; and 2nd: Rachel Maddow finally said something I can agree with:


Madame Stiletto,

I agree we're better than a Muslm-type dancing in the street. But, hey, if we would have done this operation in true radical Muslim fashion, we would have tranquilized rather than killed Bin Laden then videotaped his ritualistic beheading like they did with Daniel Pearl.


First act of competent handling of war by a Democratic President since Roosevelt. Since Orion brought up Vietnam.

You're right. I have not fully swallowed anything the government has had to say since the Vietnam War.

It's kindda satisfying to consider, though.


Orion, I'm not sure I buy the human shield story, i think probably she was just collateral damage, but of course we couldn't admit to that.


The CIA simply retired it's former asset. We don't need him as the boogeyman anymore, we have Quaddafi instead.

Military coming home now? Nope. We've now been told we've now created a martyr, so now we'll get more war. Besides, in a nation whose REAL unemployment rate is 22%, just what would we do with thousands of military people coming home? Jobs that don't exist?

BTW, how many times has he been declared dead already?

I seem to remember Bill bombing Libya when a dress stain popped up in the media. Maybe the economy and a dubious birth certificate needed papering over with this?

Rather fitting, like Carlos the Jackal taken while getting a face-lift; Saddam Hussein being captured in a hole-in-the-ground like the rat he was; now we have Osama bin Laden's dying legacy of using his own wife as a human shield.

What nobility.

Madame Stiletto

The dancing in the streets is reminiscent of the celebrations in the Muslim world after 9/11. The similarity is very sad.

One would think the U.S. has learned enough about death in the last 10 years.

Bad Man

Joe- Fair enough. I also will agree with the dancing and partying. It is nice to let off some steam because of what happened. But to much looks like a smug act and will offend some.


Study "the war" a little bit more yourself. It's a well known fact the Delta Force commander was told to "stand down" by higher officials, thus allowing (and even reported sighting) bin Laden to ride off into the distance.

Google it, einstein.


BadMan - the light was better in Iraq.


They should have captured him alive and made him repeatedly go through airport security for the rest of his life.

And for what it's worth I agree with Joe, I think the dancing in the streets was inappropriate.

Joe Moe

Like some others, I was disappointed to see people dancing in the streets and chanting about this. It did remind me of what a few Muslims and Arabs did in 2001, even if there are key differences.

It bothers me on a couple of levels: 1) celebrating anyone's death like that, regardless of how justified it was, seems wrong to me; 2) rubbing things in people's faces never helps any cause; 3) it puts a dent in war on terror but won't change much in the big picture.

But I think most people realize all of those points, there are just a few people playing the fool...but they are the ones that end up on TV, just like the dancing folks in 2001 ended up on TV and painting a bad picture even though most Arabs and Muslims didn't feel the same way.

Joe Moe

BadMan What makes you even think I voted for Bush? (If the guy I had wanted for president had won in 2000, I think the Iraqi mess would have been quite different.) Address the issue, by all means, but why are you changing the subject? And what kind of "sour grapes" would I have about our men and women in the services finally pulling this off? Of course Obama is part of the picture...I was just startled to see him use the word "I" and "me" so often in his speech....typical politician.....

US Patriot

Helio Felix,
"Yes, flawless isn't the correct word. But given that we killed that SOB, I would say it went 'extremely well".
That's About like saying: “We've flawlessly spent 3.7 trillion to stop the bleeding and unemployment has dropped .09 from 9.8% to 8.9%!”
It isn't flawless!
My Heart goes out to those who lost family members in the 911 attacks, in all 3 wars and would like to pat all those on the back who have stood the test of time, fought for our country and to those brave souls who gave the ultimate price........ dismemberment or life! God bless our troops!

Bad Man

Needed to be done. But what will happen next?

I would also like to thank the men and women involved in the mission and the work that lead up to the mission. And if I was listening correct I swear Obama thanked them also.

Joe- Sour grapes? Really? Your boy Bush had 9 years, but decided (since he was the decider) to look under the Iraq rock instead of the Afghan or Pakistan rock.


Thread hijack:
Judge's decision has been published:

Deb Brown has been proven by clear and convincing evidence to be factually innocent of murder.

God bless those who worked and waited for this. The system, not without error or delay, still works.


Osama's dead. Great day yesterday.
Today, something just as Great will happen. After all the back and forth we've had, I know you will agree.

Helio Felix

Yes, flawless isn't the correct word. But given that we killed that SOB, I would say it went 'extremely well'.


I agree with Shdware latest comment.

I appreciate all of you who have commented. It's interesting to read your opinions on this.

US Patriot

I think what makes me wonder about the press the most is the fact that they are telling us that this operation went "flawlessly" and was a huge success. Thats only partly true! We had a chopper go down and landed HARD! (that in itself is not flawless) It had to be destroyed so the enemy could not steal information and technology. Thank God this mission did not end up like Clinton's 1993 "Battle of Mogadishu." To say the operation went "flawlessly" is absurdly false and highly immoral.

Helio Felix

Joe Moe, as our commander in chief, President Obama does deserve our respect and praise. Whether you like it or not, he was at those security briefings, and he did give the final go ahead. Much credit has been given to the SEALS who performed this difficult assignment but you cannot dismiss the risk that President Obama took on by giving the final order. Had something gone wrong in this mission, he would have been ripped apart by both the left and right wings of the media. Just like the op that took out Somali pirates head on, President Obama has shown he has the guts to make a difficult decision. I'm not going to parse his words over a job well done!


All of the partying, dancing, and cheering I've seen makes me really uncomfortable.

The videos we saw in other nations following September 11, 2001 evoked similar imagery that upset us as Americans.

And now we're doing the same thing.

Little Al

Good gravy orion .. "almost too much to believe there wasn't some sort of ulterior motive---like that pesky war in Iraq" ??
So ya think Bush let him go ?
And ya think birthers are looney ? Thats funny ..

US Patriot

Your not following the war very well are you. Do you know what Daisy Cutters are? They are huge and clear forest vegetation, kill everything in the way, and are very devastation on the opposition! Nasty mothers Orion! Nasty! They dropped tons of “Daisy Cutters” all over the Tora Bora valley. They did indeed follow up. They did capture and kill many! They simply missed Obama Bin Laden and his body guards because Obama and his body guards knew the mountains and we did not.

I can't believe the state of naivety of some of the people that were interviewed and gathered at Time Square and the White House through the night. They chanted “USA! USA! USA!”. They danced! They partied! They told reporters that “the war is over!” That "I never thought I would see the war over in my lifetime!" And "It's a miracle!" Then chanted “Osama Osama Osama!” I guess they didn't have time to watch Barack Osama's speech last night when he told the Nation that the “war is not over!” And “Not to get complacent!” Leave it to CNN to report the "facts" and the "real news!"
Although the death of Obama Bin Laden is great news, lets try to follow the news and remember that the death of Bin Laden will no doubt motivate Al-Qaeda to seek revenge and retaliation. Bin Laden is now dead, but the vacuum he leaves will be immediately filled and most likely by his Lieutenant Ayman Muhammad Rabaie al-Zawahiri.

Joe Moe

This is an historic moment, obviously. But I was a little put off by Obama's extensive efforts to insinuate himself into this achievement. We all know he had little to do with this. It wouldn't have mattered if Bush, Obama, or Donald Duck was sitting behind the Big Desk during recent months, the outcome would have been the same because it is our people in the field, the CIA and folks in uniform, that put this all together. Obama's speech had too many "I"s and "me"s, and not enough, "they"s (going back to the 90s). Give your people some credit, Mr. President.

Madame Stiletto

I'm going to miss those grainy videos.


Obama deserves a feather in his turban.

I shudder to think of the number of people who have perished as a result of this guys deeds . . .unfortunately I fear that there are more than enough willing followers of this guy who are in line to take over. Kudos to the guys responsible for taking him out and ending his realm of terror.

I wonder how much suffering could have been prevented had the U.S. followed through with the attack in Tora Bora in 2001.

We had the world's sympathy, the war in Iraq had not yet begun, it was almost too easy. The fact Bin Laden and his lieutenants were able to escape by mule(!) to Pakistan is almost too much to believe there wasn't some sort of ulterior motive---like that pesky war in Iraq.

At any rate, even after ten years and so many brutally cruel consequences, better late than never.

let freedom ring

Like my name say's LET FREEDOM RING its about time one big parasite gone and i am sure we will have more to follow but let this serve as a lesson to all who THINK they can overtake us.[beam]


This is exciting! It's been nearly 10 years, but we finally got him in the end.

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