Los 10 mejores bailarines de breakdance del mundo

Los 10 mejores bailarines de breakdance del mundo


El breakdance, también conocido como “bboying” o “breakin”, es una forma de danza de calle que se originó en los años 70 en Nueva York. En sus inicios, el breakdance era un tipo de baile exclusivo de los afroamericanos y latinos, que se expresaban a través de pasos rápidos y acrobáticos en las calles de la ciudad. Con el tiempo, esta forma de danza se ha expandido por todo el mundo y se ha convertido en una disciplina muy valorada en el mundo del espectáculo y la competición. En la actualidad, existen numerosos bailarines de breakdance que destacan por su habilidad y técnica en esta disciplina. En este artículo, vamos a nombrar los 10 mejores bailarines de breakdance del mundo, que han causado sensación en los escenarios y competencias de todo el planeta.

Los 10 mejores bailarines de breakdance del mundo

1. Bboy Pocket

Born and raised in San Francisco, Pocket has been breaking since he was 16 years old, and his style is characterized by his impressive musicality and fluidity. He has won several titles, including the Red Bull BC One North America Qualifiers in 2017, and he is part of the world-renowned Squadron crew.

2. Bboy Thesis

Thesis, from Seattle, is known for his creative, dynamic and powerful style of breaking. He has won several competitions including the Red Bull BC One North America Finals in 2014 and the UK B-Boy Championships in 2017. He is part of the Knuckleheads Cali crew, which is known for their technical skill and musicality.

3. Bboy Issei

Issei, from Japan, is one of the most technical breakers in the world, known for his incredible power moves and acrobatics. He has won several titles including the Red Bull BC One World Finals in 2016 and the UK B-Boy Championships in 2015. He is part of the Found Nation crew, which always impresses with their innovative and dynamic style.

4. Bgirl Ami

Ami, also from Japan, is one of the most talented b-girls in the world, known for her fluid and expressive style. She has won several titles including the UK B-Boy Championships in 2015 and the Freestyle Session World Finals in 2017. She is part of the Body Carnival crew, which showcases a unique blend of breaking and contemporary dance.

5. Bboy Lilou

Lilou, from Algeria, is a veteran of the breakdance scene, known for his original and funky style of breaking. He has won several titles including the Red Bull BC One World Finals in 2005, 2009 and 2013. He is part of the Pockemon crew, which is renowned for their theatrical and unique style.

6. Bboy Wing

Wing, from South Korea, is one of the most versatile breakers in the world, known for his impressive footwork and acrobatics. He has won several titles including the Red Bull BC One World Finals in 2015 and the UK B-Boy Championships in 2013. He is part of the Jinjo crew, which is famous for their energetic and creative performances.

7. Bboy Victor

Victor, from Ukraine, is known for his powerful and explosive style of breaking, which always impresses the judges and audience. He has won several titles including the Red Bull BC One World Finals in 2018 and the UK B-Boy Championships in 2017. He is part of the Hustle Kidz crew, which is famous for their raw and aggressive style.

8. Bboy Mounir

Mounir, from France, is one of the most unique and innovative breakers in the world, known for his creative and expressive style of breaking. He has won several titles including the Red Bull BC One World Finals in 2012 and the UK B-Boy Championships in 2009. He is part of the Vagabonds crew, which is famous for their diverse and dynamic style.

9. Bgirl Narumi

Narumi, from Japan, is one of the most talented b-girls in the world, known for her original and dynamic style of breaking. She has won several titles including the Freestyle Session World Finals in 2016 and the Silverback Open Championships in 2014. She is part of the Body Carnival crew, which blends contemporary dance with breaking in a unique and innovative way.

10. Bboy Hong 10

Hong 10, from South Korea, is one of the most influential and respected breakers in the world, known for his smooth and effortless style of breaking. He has won several titles including the Red Bull BC One World Finals in 2006, 2013 and 2015. He is part of the Rivers crew, which is famous for their dynamic and technical performances.


Estos bailarines de Breakdance han demostrado ser los mejores del mundo en cuanto a habilidad, técnica y creatividad en esta disciplina, ganando numerosos títulos y competiciones. Cada uno de ellos tiene su propio estilo y forma de expresarse a través del breakdance, lo que hace que sea emocionante verlos en el escenario. Desde San Francisco hasta Japón, y desde Francia hasta Ucrania, estos bailarines demuestran que el breakdance es una forma de arte universal con la capacidad de unir a personas de diferentes culturas y países.